FIFO Life Part 57: Making friends on site
Sandra discusses the approach FIFO workers could take to make friends on site.
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FIFO Life Part 54: Survivor guilt
Sandra explains the concept of survivor guilt experienced by those who are left behind while others are made redundant from FIFO work.
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FIFO Life Part 43: Dealing with homesickness
Dr John provides information and tips on dealing with homesickness when working FIFO
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FIFO Life Part 28: Achieving Work-Life Balance.
Dr John discusses ways for FIFO workers to achieve work-life balance.
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FIFO Life Part 22: Psychosocial hazards in the workplace.
Sandra talks about psychosocial hazards in the workplace and the importance of managing these to minimise workplace stress
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FIFO Life Part 16: Surviving the ‘blokey’ culture at work
FIFO Focus' Senior Consultant Sharon Rudderham talks about working an a 'blokey' culture and how to manage it.
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FIFO Life Part 7: Surviving Night Shift
Sandra talks about surviving the night shift on FIFO and tactics you can use to adjust your body and mind.
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FIFO Life Part 6: Bullying
In part 6, Sharon talks about bullying and how it can effect FIFO workers.
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FIFO Life Part 5: Return to Work Stress
Sandra talks about stress and how it can effect FIFO workers - plus some tools to de-stress that she calls PPE
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