Mental Health Training For Leaders

Leader And Manager Training

Identifying And Supporting Mental Health In Your Teams

Our Mental Health Training for Leaders programs are designed to help your FIFO organisation line managers support mental health in their teams. Our practical workshops give leaders in your organisation a framework to recognise warning signs of mental harm, and support their teams to develop greater mental resilience.

Help Where And When You Need

We offer flexible training delivery options including onsite training and internal delivery kits, to fit with your organisation’s requirements.  

Training Covers

  • How to support mental wellbeing in your team
  • Identifying signs of mental harm
  • Supporting employees on site and at home

PWC estimates that the return on investment for every dollar committed to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace to be $2.30. Therefore having wellbeing products in place is not only good insurance, it’s good business.

We create happier, healthier FIFO Workplaces. Individuals. Families.

Our Organisational Health Risk Assessments are a consulting service designed to assess the risk of mental harm in your FIFO organisation.
Our team of registered psychologists and behavourial consultants can design the framework to support culture in your organisation.
FIFO Life Awareness Programs can be delivered both pre-employment, to family groups and onsite. We offer flexible delivery with our own experienced team.
Our practical workshops give leaders in your organisation a framework to recognise warning signs of mental harm.
Our Mental Health Education Programs are designed to make your FIFO employees aware of the mental health implications of FIFO life.
We design tailored and targeted workplace solutions to address mental wellness challenges you are having in your workplace.

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