It’s Not Forever, It’s Just For Now

It may feel as though we are in a bad movie that we didn’t audition for. With all the lockdowns and uncertainties, it is normal for us to feel stressed and anxious – even simply, not ourselves.

So we wanted to remind you that this is not forever. This is just for now.

All this is so that we can contain the spread. To rally all our strength together to fight something we never we realised we needed to fight.

Yes we miss the life that we had not so long ago but we will get it back – probably with greater clarity about what’s more important. Where we spend our time. Who matters and who we’ve advantage of. We are collectively vulnerable and we will grow from it.

But today, for a few days, stay strong. Do what’s right for something bigger than ourselves. It’s not forever. It’s just for now.

The content in this post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. We recommend consulting with a registered health practitioner or contacting us for more tailored support.

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